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MALEO Blog Post

MALEO group at PPSN'2024

Posted by Jakob Bossek on 19 September 2024

The International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN2024) is a biannual confernece promoting the exploration of natural models, iterative optimisation heuristics, other heuristic search methods, machine learning, and other artificial intelligence techniques. Heike played a major role as program chair and co-organiser of the MMMOO workshop.

This years' PPSN2024 was was kind of like a group event for the MALEO working group. In total six scientific staff members attented the conference in Hagenberg (Austria): Heike, Jakob, Jeroen, Urban, Oliver and Moritz. We had a blast! Kudos to the organisers for realising a very nice program, superb keynotes by Oliver Schütze (Cinvestav, Mexico), Richard Kueng (Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria) and Bernardino Romera-Paredes (Google DeepMind), great social events and excellent catering. Urban and Oliver presented short talks on ongoing research at the Multi-Modal Multi-Objective Optimisation workshop (MMMOO) co-organised by Heike while Moritz and Urban presented their poster on Learned Features vs. Classical ELA on Affine BBOB Functions (paper).

Our long time collaborators Lennart Schäpermeier and Pascal Kerschke from TU Dresden received the best paper award for the great work on the R2 performance indicator entitled Reinvestigating the R2 Indicator: Achieving Pareto Compliance by Integration (paper, arxiv version) Congratulations!!!